Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
- The Management Committee of Communities Welfare Network recognises its duty of care to our volunteers, staff, and members of the public. We will strive to provide healthy and safe working conditions, which include equipment and systems of work for all our employees, volunteers, trustees, and visitors. We are also committed to promoting the health, safety, and well-being of all staff while at work. We will aim to provide staff with all such training as is necessary.
- The allocation of duties for safety matters and their arrangements, to implement this policy, are set out below.
- The Health and Safety Policy will be revised and reviewed annually.
- All staff and volunteers will receive training on this Policy. Once staff and volunteers have been trained, they will be required to sign the last page of their copy of the Health and Safety Policy, to confirm their understanding of it and willingness to adhere to it.
- Communities Welfare Network is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees, volunteers, trustees and visitors, and to promoting the health, safety and wellbeing of all its staff while at work.
- The Management Committee has overall responsibility for ensuring adequate arrangements are provided for the health and safety of employees, volunteers and the general public. The Management Committee will ensure all aspects of the policy are reviewed annually.
- The organisation’s Secretary has the following responsibilities:
- advising the Management Committee of any changes in legislation that may have implications on this policy and any changes needed to the policy.
- ensuring adequate information, instruction and training is available to every member of staff and volunteers;
- Ensuring there is adequate first aid provision and fire drills are carried out as required;
- monitoring the implementation of the policy and investigating accidents;
- ensuring there are adequate safety arrangements for off-site activities;
- The Secretary has the prime responsibility for instituting and ensuring adherence to the overall policy.
- The Secretary is responsible for: –
- the identification of any hazards within the premises which may be a danger to the safety of any person using the building and reporting on these to the Coordinator/Director;
- the provision of information on aspects of health and safety;
- training of the staff and volunteers in safety procedures; and
- monitoring accidents and recording them in the Accident Book and taking steps to minimise the risk of recurrence.
- All staff and volunteers working at the organisation’s premises must, therefore:
- ensure their working environment is safe (e.g., eliminating tripping hazards, trailing leads, and frayed carpets), and equipment is maintained in a safe condition;
- ensure the Communities Welfare Network staff and volunteers discuss health and safety issues at least twice a year;
- ensure they work in a safe manner and in accordance with any safety instructions issued;
- report accidents to line management immediately, and any potential hazards they are not able to put right.
- Members of staff (paid and unpaid) who fail in this duty may render themselves liable for disciplinary action.
- All accidents must be reported to the Secretary, Health and Safety Office and entered the Accident Book. This book is kept in the main office. A full investigation will be carried out and recommendations will be implemented to prevent similar incidents occurring again.
- Communities Welfare Network will ensure that at least one member of staff on-site holds a current First Aid Certificate.
- A First Aid Box is available at the training Centre. The contents of the First Aid Box will be checked monthly, and a monitoring note signed by the Safety Officer shall be positioned on or near to the First Aid box.
- Staff and volunteers will be made aware of escape routes, fire alarms, smoke alarms, fire-fighting equipment, torches, and emergency assembly points. This will be explained as part of the staff induction procedure by the Safety Officer.
- The fire alarm will be checked monthly, and a fire drill will be organised every 6 months by the Safety Officer at 49 Camberwell, New Road, London, SE5 0RZ
- Welfare arrangements
- Staff should have a minimum of 3.7 square metres of floor space and 11 cubic metres of air space.
- An adequate supply of drinking water will be provided to all staff.
- So far as it is reasonably practicable Communities Welfare Network will provide staff/volunteers with a resting area where they can rest during work breaks.
- Staff and volunteers should not work excessively long hours and should take adequate breaks for meals and rest in accordance with their terms and conditions of employment or service.
- Work equipment
- Staff should ensure that work equipment is kept in good repair and information about the equipment is easily available.
- Staff who use VDUs must take regular breaks from the screen.
- Temperature and Ventilation
The temperature must be reasonable, and not be below 16 C;
Adequate ventilation will be provided at all times especially where photocopiers and laser printers are used.
- Lighting
Adequate lighting will be provided. VDU screen protection will be provided to prevent glare and reflection. - Electricity
Work on electrical installations and equipment, and annual inspections will be carried out by a competent electrician. Broken or damaged electrical equipment must be reported to the Safety Officer or the coordinator/Director who will ensure it is labelled ‘Do Not Use‘ and arrange for repair.
Staff will be told how to turn off the main electricity supply. When not in use, electrical equipment should be switched off and disconnected with the exception of such items as the answer phone, fridge etc.
- Gas
Any Gas appliances will be serviced annually by a CORGI-approved engineer who will also carry out any necessary repairs. Staff will be told how to turn off the main gas supply.
- Smoking
Smoking is not permitted in any part of Communities Welfare Network, or at the front entrance.
- Hazards
The Safety Officer will check office furniture and doors for damage which might leave sharp edges protruding or other hazards. Where there is a serious hazard caused by broken furniture it will be removed from use until it has been repaired. - Other
All staff and volunteers are responsible for spotting other hazards, or potential hazards, for example, boxes obstructing a passageway, insecure cabling or wires left trailing where people might walk, heavy objects placed on a high shelf, toxic materials not locked away and so on. If a hazard is seen, it should be removed or reported to line management. - Hygiene
Washing and toilet facilities will be provided, and standards of cleanliness and good repair maintained. A sign encouraging people to wash their hands after using the toilet will be fixed on the toilet wall. - Clothing
When appropriate, staff and volunteers must wear protective clothing. - Manual Handling
Care must be taken in the transporting of heavy objects as injuries, particularly back problems, can arise. It will always be preferable for such objects to be moved by two people and important to ensure that the path of transportation is clear of obstacles. - Off-site Activities
All of the above applies equally to off-site activities. In addition, it is the responsibility of the line management and Safety Officer to ensure:
- vehicles are properly maintained and before each journey that tyres, brakes, lights, wipers etc. are in good working order;
- passengers use the seat belts provided and behave in a safe manner;
- protective clothing is worn when appropriate and any defects are reported;
- equipment supplied is appropriately maintained, used, and stored when not in use;
- that volunteers and employees act with care for their own health and safety, and for those who may be affected by their activities; and ensuring any accidents, injuries or hazards are reported immediately to the Safety Officer or the Coordinator/Director.
- Staff and volunteers should, always, be mindful of their personal safety. When staff are working alone in the office, they should ensure that the front doors are locked and only give access to people known to them.
- Staff will be given information on working with anger and handling aggression in the workplace.
- Staff and volunteers working away on Communities Welfare Network business should make it clear to their line managers, where they will be, for how long and how they can be contacted.
- All staff and volunteers will give Communities Welfare Network details of a contact person in case of emergencies.
- Risk assessments are a means by which potential hazards can be identified. In order to create and maintain a safe and healthy working environment, the Communities Welfare Network will undertake regular risk assessments to identify and make safe potential hazards within the workplace.
- The Safety Officer will coordinate risk assessments and programmes for making safe any potential hazards. All staff are required to cooperate, by reporting identified risks and correcting these by adopting recommended safe working practices.
- The Coordinator/Director will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of this policy by inspecting monthly:
- the premises using a checklist;
- the accident book; and
- ensuring that health and safety is an integral part of the induction process of new members of staff and is then discussed in supervision on an annual basis.
- This policy will be reviewed every two years by the Management Committee, or as and when changes in legislation make this necessary.
Reviewed on: 08/12/2022.